Support us
There are two ways to support Les Cajoutiers Association:
By a donation, of a free amount, to support the following positions:
The financing of our various projects: the development of a permaculture garden.
The operation of the canteen that all students benefit from school.
The purchase, maintenance, and supply of diesel fuel school buses that transport students.
The development of the garden and henhouse that decorate the school canteen.
The supply of food to the poorest parents among our schoolchildren.
Vous pouvez effectuer un don directement via PayPal en cliquant sur le bouton à droite
ou par un virement bancaire sur un des comptes ci dessous:
Merci de préciser votre adresse email pour que nous puissions vous remercier.
Les Cajoutiers Belgique
Banque BNP-Parisbas-Fortis nº 001-5798682 01
IBAN BE43 001 5798682 01 – SWIFT: GEBABEBB
Pour bénéficier d'un reçu fiscal (pour dons à partir de € 40 uniquement) :
Leraars Zonder Grenzen (Enseignants sans frontières)
IBAN BE48 5230 8027 2427 - BIC TRIOBEBB
Avec mention obligatoire "Don Les Cajoutiers + votre NOM"
Les Cajoutiers France
Banque Société Générale 30003 02363 00050065851 66
IBAN FR76 3000 3023 6300 0500 6585 166 – BIC SOGEFRPP
Afin de bénéficier d'un reçu fiscal (pour DON uniquement), merci de nous contacter
Les Cajoutiers Warang Mbour - Sénégal
Banque SGBS Nº 20011-09064-14005525370-66
IBAN SN20011090641400552537066 – BIC/SWIFT SGSNSNDA
Avec une majoration de 12€ (frais sur virements étrangers)
By sponsoring a student :
The sponsorship of a student is nominative and makes it possible to finance his schooling, even his boarding for the deaf pupils coming from distant villages.
The sponsorship covers :
His schooling and school supplies.
The wages of the staff of the School Group (Directors, Teachers, Cantinière, Housewives, Gardeners, Drivers and Guardians).
His socio-medical follow-up with the management of possible diseases.
The cost is 25€ per month for the tuition of a hearing student, a deaf student or Down syndrome student (300 € per year).
The sponsorship for the care of a child at the boarding house "Foyer des Cajous" is 75€ per month (900 € per year). This includes all the support: housing, meals and snacks, clothing, charges, school supervision, wage of employees, sports and educational outings.
The complete care of a deaf child (boarding school & school) is 100€ per month (1200€ per year).
How to become a sponsor ?
After filling in the form by clicking on "become a sponsor", please make the transfer corresponding to the amount to activate the sponsorship (the information to make a transfer appears by clicking on the "make a donation" button below).
When you become a sponsor you will automatically receive the information sheet concerning your godchild and the periodic newsletter that keeps you informed about the associative life of the Cajoutiers.