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Our activities

Our activities consist of developing Les Cajoutiers to offer as many children as possible, from poor families, deaf or Down's syndrome, social security and guide them to a better future through education or vocational training.


To do this, we continue:

  • to identify, educate and care for these targeted children.

  • to develop a quality education.

  • to set up training courses for deaf students to allow them professional and therefore social independence

  • to create a lasting link between student and sponsor.

  • to promote "post primary" education.

  • to promote a return to basics thanks to trainings on the exploitation of the land (permaculture, agroforestry, breeding).

  • to make children and their families aware of the importance of a healthy environment in the wide sense of the word.

Our values


 Equal integration

 of the pupils

Our aim is  to enable all children in our school, whether they are hearing, deaf, or suffer from Down Syndrome,  to benefit from a quality education, and to exploit everyone's potential.

We want to give them the opportunity to  have a decent  future in which they can actively and positively contribute to society. 



Sport is essential in every child's life. Deaf children do not escape this rule and also need to channel their energy.


To this end, the students of Cashew Seeds play football within the School Group, through interclass and inter-school matches and judo, the discipline so appreciated because it brings the side "respect" and "discipline" to the child but also swimming and handball.

The doctor's visit


Our infirmary is operational every course day. Aly, a state nurse, ensures the good health of our students at school and Cajous' boarding school. He also ensures follow-up after any surgical interventions funded by Les Cajoutiers. If you are visiting the school, you can bring us medicines 

The life of young deaf

Cajous' Boarding School

To make the School Group Les Cajoutiers a benchmark school for the deaf and to be able to get more children out of ignorance, we had to expand our scope of action in order to reach potential students from further afield and above all regions such as the South and East of the country.

Opened in October 2016, Cajous' Boarding school allows us to welcome deaf children from remote areas where there are no educational options, social integration or vocational training.

The boarding school is home to more than 50 deaf children between the ages of 5 and 18 years old. It is located in the village of Warang, within walking distance of the school.

The activities offered to children are rich to allow them to make up for lost time during their first years of life in terms of development and awakening: sports, dance, crafts, beach trips, group games, legos, etc.

The home will expand depending on the number of children from all over Senegal who are of school age in our school.


A beautiful and big family is born. Children are fully cared for and thrive in all areas.

As for their schooling, the fees for the internship are financed by sponsorships.

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Cajous Workshops

To make our deaf students able to support themselves in the future, we set up various craft training to allow students to enter the professional life and manage their future, with a job they master and love.

These professions seem to us financially viable thanks to the local population but also tourists, interested in their products.

The pottery, pastry, hairdressing, crochet and sewing workshops and the production of decorative objects based on recycled materials are located in the center of the village and their products are sold at the Shop Les Cajoutiers which is located on the national road to Joal. in Warang. Part of the proceeds goes to the "producer" children.

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Functioning and sustainability  

A chicken coop
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The school has a chicken coop of 1000 laying hens.  Eggs are sold to support school canteen expenses.

The eggs, of great nutritional richness, are also offered to the kindergarten pupils in order to make up for the existing deficiencies.

Cajoutiers' Shop
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Here are sold the products created in the various Workshops as well as Artemisia, a medicinal plant against malaria and presenting other virtues sought after.
Foyer des cajous
Les ateliers des cajous
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