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Our history

Told by Sophie Camara-Corynen, president-founder of the Association Les Cajoutiers, born in Belgium and Senegalese of heart.

"It all started with a volunteer trip between September and December 1996 in Mbour (Senegal) during which I sponsored a child, motherless since birth, who is today our eldest son: Algaf Sow-Camara.


Many trips to Senegal have deepened many bonds of friendship and trust in this country where moral values ​​still have their importance, where the "old" are respected, where the joy of life is omnipresent despite the living conditions that are often inhuman and where education and health are a century behind ...


At the beginning of 2000, the president of the Artistic Troupe Takku Ligguye (from the same Young Disabled Center in Mbour) asked me to organize some shows for his artists in Strasbourg (the city where I lived). Something was done in November with, as a reward "fallen from the sky": the meeting with Mamadou Camara, percussionist-choreographer within the troupe, and who will become my husband and dad of our children.

Six years of life together in Wolfisheim (Alsace - France) during which I continue to work as a project manager in international clinical research from Basel and Strasbourg. Mamadou, on his side, passes the cap of mason-former and integrates the society Pertuy construction where it will work until our final departure in Senegal in August 2006.


Arrived in Senegal, the adaptation is difficult because EVERYTHING is different: the mentality (of the frank and non-interested relations are almost impossible), the food (rice replaces the potatoes), the economy (our investment the Inn "The Kenkeni", built from Strasbourg to have an income on the spot, is struggling to operate), the climate (it is hot and very humid during this rainy season) and mosquitoes (mosquito nets, bites, ... help)!

However, because united of Love, we manage to settle in Warang, our adopted village.


Two years later: that's it, we are part of the village where we feel very comfortable and where our 6 children flourish in a healthy and natural environment. It is then that was born October 10, 2008, an association at the service of underprivileged children: Cajoutiers."

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